FaceGen SDK Manual - Install

Developer Requirements

( Windows | Linux | MacOS )


Path in which you have placed this sdk: ~sdk

FaceGen executables load data from ~sdk/data/

The 'data' directory must be present in the directory containing the executable, or any of its parent directories. It must contain the file _facegen_data_dir.flag


> PATH=%PATH%;~sdk\bin\win\x64\vs22\release\;~sdk\bin\win\x64\


$ PATH=$PATH:~sdk/bin/linux/x64/gcc/release/:~sdk/bin/linux/x64/

Set permissions on binary tools:
$ chmod +x ~sdk/bin/linux/x64/fg*

Set permissions on the pre-built binaries (no need if building from source):
$ chmod +x ~sdk/bin/linux/x64/gcc/release/fg*


$ PATH=$PATH:~sdk/bin/macos/x64/clang/release/:~sdk/bin/macos/x64/

Set permissions on the binary tools:
$ chmod +x ~sdk/bin/macos/x64/fg*
$ xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ~sdk/bin/macos/x64/fg*

Set permissions on the pre-built binaries (no need if building from source):
$ chmod +x ~sdk/bin/macos/x64/clang/release/fg*
$ xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ~sdk/bin/macos/x64/clang/release/fg*

Command Line Executables

fgbl - FaceGen base library (open source) commands

fg3 - FaceGen Main SDK commands

fg3pf - FaceGen Photofit commands

fg3t - FaceGen Integration Tools